Spring Framework Tutorial

Spring is a framework for Java platform.The first version of Spring was developed in 2002. Spring framework has been considered as a replacement of the EJB model. Spring has a number of core features,those can be used by any Java application.But the feature extensions are meant to work with Java EE. This chapter  gives a basic Spring Framework Tutorial . We will be discussing more details in coming chapters.

Features at a glance:

  • Dependancy injection

  • Spring MVC for developing MVC applications

  • Spring AOP : Aspect Oriented Programming suport

  • Data Access Framework : It supports all widely used ORM technologies like Hibernate

  • Spring Batch :Batch processing support

Modules in Spring Framework

Spring framework has 20 modules .They are grouped into :

1)Core Container : It provides the fundamental features of spring frame work,including Inversion of Control and Dependency  Injection.The modules in core container are:spring-core,spring-context,spring-beans , spring-expression(Spring Expression Language-SPEL) and spring-context- support

2)Web:The modules are : spring-webspring-webmvcspring-websocket, and spring-webmvc-portlet .

Spring-web : It provides basic web oriented features.

Spring-webmvc:-It provides MVC features and REST web service support.

Spring-webmvc-portlet : Supports features for portlet environment

3)AOP : This module provides Aspect oriented Programming (AOP)support

4)Instrumentation : It provides class loader implementation support for certain application servers.

5)Messaging :- It provides support for Messaging based applications.

6)Data Access/Integration:-

spring-jdbc :-Provides JDBC Support

spring-tx :-Provides support for declerative and programatic transaction management

spring-orm :-Provides support for ORM technologies like Hibernate

spring-oxm :-Provides support for Object/XML mapping such as JAXB

spring-jms :-It has features for producing and consuming messages

7)Test : spring-test provides unit testing and integration testing of spring componemnts with Junit otf TestNG.

The modules in the framework is shown as a simplified block diagram.


We will be discussing about these modules in coming chapters.

    See More:

Spring MVC Example
Spring MVC validation example