Communication between threads in Java

In a multithreaded Java process , it is often needed a communication between different threads. This inter-thread  communication is performing using wait(), notify() , and notifyAll() methods of Java.Lang.Object class. The idea is going to be clear once we do an example which has two child  threads  and those  two child  threads are communicating with each other.

Communication between threads in Java – Example

Here we are discussing an example which has two threads. One thread is printing even numbers from 0 to 50, while the other thread is printing odd numbers from 0 to 50. Our aim is to print even and odd numbers alternately. The class has the logic in the run() method , to print the even numbers.Similarly the class OldRunnable has the logic to print odd numbers. Let us see the code first.

public class EvenRunnable implements Runnable {
private int number = 2;
private Object shared = null;
public EvenRunnable(Object object) {
shared = object;
public void run() {
while (number < 50) { synchronized (shared) { System.out.println("Even number = " + number); number = number + 2; try { Thread.sleep(500); //only to view sequence of execution shared.notify(); shared.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }

public class OddRunnable implements Runnable {
int oddNumber = 1;
private Object shared = null;
public OddRunnable(Object object) {
shared = object;
public void run() {
while (oddNumber < 50) { synchronized (shared) { System.out.println("Odd number = " + oddNumber); oddNumber = oddNumber + 2; try { Thread.sleep(500); // only to view the sequence of execution shared.notify(); shared.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }

Now let us see the main  class.

public class Main {
public Main(){
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object shared = new Object();
EvenRunnable evenRunnable = new EvenRunnable(shared);
OddRunnable oddRunnable = new OddRunnable(shared);
Thread evenThread = new Thread(evenRunnable, "evenThread");
Thread oddThread = new Thread(oddRunnable, "oddThread");

Here we have   a common object for these two threads .And  only one thread is allowed to access that object at a time . So synchronized block should be there (For more details  about synchronized blocks , click here) . Our main method of creates two threads with names 'evenThread' and  'oddThread'  from the Runnable objects.Then start() method of the two threads are calling.Assume 'oddThread' started first  and it got the lock on shared object.So 'evenThread' needs to wait to get the lock . Now 'oddThread' prints the value and it sleeps for few moments. Then the shared.notify() will be called after incrementing the odd number by 2 .  Then calling wait() method on shared . It releases the lock for 'oddThread' on shared  and it is moving to waiting state .Now 'evenThread' is holding the lock . It prints an even number , then sleeping for a moment , then incrementing  the number by two .When the 'evenThread' calls the notify()  method the 'oddThread' wakes up and when wait() is called for 'evenThread' 'oddThread'  is getting lock  back  on shared . And it prints the next odd number .This process continuous till the number reaches maximum value of 50 . This can be verified the output of our


Odd number = 1

Even number =  2

Odd number = 3

Even number =  4

Odd number = 5

Even number =  6

Odd number = 7

Even number =  8

Odd number = 9

Even number =  10

Odd number = 11

Even number =  12

Odd number = 13

Even number =  14

Odd number = 15

Even number =  16

Odd number = 17

Even number =  18

Odd number = 19

Even number =  20

Odd number = 21

Even number =  22

Odd number = 23

Even number =  24

Odd number = 25

Even number =  26

Odd number = 27

Even number =  28

Odd number = 29

Even number =  30

Odd number = 31

Even number =  32

Odd number = 33

Even number =  34

Odd number = 35

Even number =  36

Odd number = 37

Even number =  38

Odd number = 39

Even number =  40

Odd number = 41

Even number =  42

Odd number = 43

Even number =  44

Odd number = 45

Even number =  46

Odd number = 47

Even number =  48

Odd number = 49


Inter-thread communication can be done by three methods of Java.lang.Object class

1)wait() - It releases lock  from the current thread and current thread is moving to the waiting state.

2)notify()-It wakes up the first thread that is waiting to get lock  on a particular object.It is not releasing the lock.

3)notifyAll() - It wakes up all the threads those are waiting to get lock on a particular object.It is not releasing the lock.

Remember  these methods should be called only from a synchronized  context.

Threading Basics

Thread Safety in Java

Thread Priorities

Join() method in Multit-Threading

The yield() method

The sleep() method

Daemon Threads in Java

Thread pool executor in java

Thread pools in Java

Thread Dead lock in Java

Thread Live lock in Java